Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Chapter 4: By~ Christopher Stephens



Randy Mitchell worked at a computer business called Aries eTech. He was high up in the company and so he was doing very well for himself thus the large house and private jet. He wasn't well know in New York outside of the walls of the company so when he brought Damon into his home no one really asked questions, and so they were able to live normal lives. Randy and his wife had a good life together; in addition to Damon the Mitchell's had 3 children of their own, two twin boys and a girl who was11. The boys were 13 and like most boys there age, they were very mischievous.
Randy at this time didn't know that Damon couldn't see unless he used his radar vision, which after a while started started to give Damon really bad headaches, but Randy did notice something was different about him, though he couldn't quite place a finger on it. He did think it was odd that the color of Damon's eyes were a very bright blue color and his pupils were golden, but he decided not to ask because he could see that Damon had been through a lot in the 12 years of his life.
One day Randy brought Damon a old computer of his, Damon had never seen a computer before in his life, and he found it very fascinating. He asked if Randy had any other old stuff like it that he could use. Randy thought for a moment, and then ran downstairs, a second later returning with a large box of old electronics. Damon thought the stuff was so cool and immediately began checking it all out. Randy left all the stuff with him and told him he could do whatever he wanted with it, cause it was worthless to him.
Damon had a very bright mind as Randy soon discovered. He would would walking into Damon's room several times throughout the day and very time the electronics would look different he was so into them he didn't even notice Randy even once. Then the last time that day when he came in at about 6:00 P.M., all of electronics: the computer, the old smart phone, and a variety of wire and a few other small gadgets that Randy had no idea what they were. It looked so complex that he couldn't help but ask, “So where did learn to work with electronics.”
“Nowhere, I'd never hear of one before today. I'd don't no what I just made, or how I made it. It just happened.”
“Wow, so you don't know what it does?”
“Nope, well not exactly, I mean like I know what it will do, but I don't know how to explain it. Does that make any sense?” Damon ask with uncertainty in his voice.
“Yeah. I understand what you're trying to say. You think you could show me what it does?
Damon set the computer with the other attached gadgets on his desk and then clicked on a icon on the desktop of the computer called 'test 0182'. When Randy saw the screen he was overwhelmed, all the writing was gold-colored and everything else like the windows were outlined in blue. "So you like the colors gold and blue, I see." Damon nodded 'yes'. Just then a window popped up on the screen and letters and numbers started to go down it in at a very fast rate and then it all stopped as quickly as it had started. Nothing happened for a moment, suddenly several more windows came up and then went into the background then the numbers and letters continued streaming down the screen. It once again stopped and all the windows in the background came to the front, then they all started to disappear until one single window was left.

Randy looked at the window on the screen, it was the audio of a radio communication between two soldiers on the day of the bombing on Pearl Harbor,. "This is fake right?" Randy asked in an exasperated tone.

"What's fake? this? Not as far as I know. What is Pearl Harbor?" Damon asked a little uncertain of what he had just done.

"Pearl Harbor is the location of a Naval base stationed in the islands of Hawaii. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese staged an air raid on the base, over two thousand were killed and other thousand was badly injured. But that was 1941 how could we be listening to a conversation that happened then. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have paused just to record it in the middle of the attack.”

Well you see, their communication used radio waves, and anything that uses radio waves after reaching its target, where would it go, well in theory it would be trapped in that moment in time and space!”

And you where able to find it? Wow,” Randy sighed, his mind had just been blown, “but how? what? who? How... how did you do it?”

I really not sure. I was just messing with this stuff and it just sorta happened. I mean I didn't think it was much... like hasn't anybody been able to do this before.”

What? You really don't know? This is like impossible in our world and... and you just did in one day...”

Well actually in about 30 minutes.”

What? Amazing! You're a born genius.”

As the follow days and weeks turned into years, Damon and Randy would spend all of their free time together. Since Randy didn't get off work until 5:00 P.M., Damon would volunteer himself to do chores for Mrs. Mitchell so it wouldn't seem as if he was taking advantage of them and because he liked to do things that would make people happy, but he also felt compelled to show his appreciation to the family who had taken him in just out of pure kindness to him. Damon would use his radar vision while working, but every time he did, he would feel more and more weak, so he would try not to use it unless it was absolutely needed.

Then the day came when his biggest secret was revealed. It was 3 years later, he was in the family room fixing the television. For this job he had to use his radar vision, he already had a headache from using it the day before and now he was trying to use it again. It was waning on him so much, he thought his head was going to explode then he felt something begin to drip from his nose, but he just wiped it with his hand and kept working. His head was killing him he was starting to feel light headed, he tried to shake himself out of it, but it didn't help. He started to get up to get something to wipe his nose, but just as he did everything went black. Mrs. Mitchell hear a thump and went to check it out, when she found him slumped on the floor with blood coming from his nose. She checked to make sure he was breathing and finding he was, she went and called 911. Damon was in and out during the next several minutes catching the voices from the surrounding activity all focused on him. The last thing that he heard was the sound of the ambulance door closing, and a female paramedic telling him everything would be fine and to try to relax.

The next time he awoke he was in the hospital, he had never been in one so he freaked out at all the sounds coming from the machine monitoring him. He tore off all the gadgets attached to him and jumped out of the bed, he tried use the radar vision to get a glimpse of his surroundings, but when he tried nothing happened; he had expected pain or maybe even to pass out again, but he definitely hadn't expected nothing. He started to panic. He felt around for the door and open in it, then stepping out into the hallway. When he did all the sounds around him were so loud, they were blaring in his ears, people's voices, the typing from keyboards, and foot steps, they were the loudest of them all, like the pounding of nonrhythmic drums; it was about to drive him crazy, he had to get out of their. He began to walk quickly along the wall to guide him along, but he kept stumbling over things in the way of his path. He finally made out of the hospital into the busy city of New York, but that made it even worse. He began to shuffle himself along the walls of the building leading next to the walkway. People kept bumping into him disorientating him as he felt for a turn in out of the main walkway like a ally or anything so he could shut out the sound that were driving him insane. When he had almost given up hope of ever finding one, he felt the wall stop and then round a corner he walk down it and the noises began to quite until they were just whispers in the background. He was so exhausted, he laid down and almost immediately fell asleep.

Early the next morning while it was still dark out, Damon awoke and manage to once again find the wall. Following it to the corner he lifted his head to the sky and felt the cool beams of moonlight as the wind blow softly through the tall building in the city. It was so peaceful, but he remembered, ''The Mitchell's,” he said aloud, “they must be worried about me!” Forgetting for a moment he was blind he began to rush down the sidewalk. Few were out that early in the morning, except for gang members and various other criminals, and by chance and just his luck he happened onto a whole gang. At first they just followed behind him taunting him not realizing he was blind, not that it would have made any difference. Next they would push at him and knock him around; not trying to give any attention to them he tried running faster, but he just kept tripping over things, and eventually they again catch up. They were getting annoyed that he was still ignoring them, and unexpectedly the one who seemed to be the leader came up in front of Damon and punched him right in the face. There was the sound of a crack and several teeth came flying out of his mouth. Damon laid face down, but then began to get up when one of the other men hit him over the back with his elbow. That knocked him on his knees, his head snapped down and hung limp. The leader grabbed Damon hair and began to yanked his head up, suddenly there was the sound of a roar. It was louder then anything of earth, then Damon lifted his head up, and the what the gang saw sent them screaming off into the darkness of the early morn. Damon's body had transformed back into a Lectri Lore, the form he had had in his home planet, Kuetotha, his true form. The pain and anger these men had caused him to feel had trigger the Luthien blood in him, but he had not fully transformed into a Luthien. It had only change his facial features. His eyes were a fiery red, his canines were twice their normal size on both the top and bottom jaw, and his hair line had extended to a point that stopped right above his nose. All his fingertips transformed into long-sharp claws.

Along with all the outward change the transformation had cause it also did something inside. He was beginning to be able to see with his eyes it was different though everything was a reddish color, but he was still seeing. He saw the men running away and his instincts as a predator to kill kicked in. He raised to he feet and then lunged forward landing on his hands and then bringing his legs up immediately after, then again lunged forward and landed on his hands. He kept acceleration and very quickly was upon the men. He was unmerciful and would of killed them but something seemed stop him when he got the chance. He had one of them down and was about to rip his throat out with his claws, but then he saw the fear in the man's eyes he hesitated. He saw this was just an ordinary man who had just made a few wrong turns in life. Then one of the men saw an opportunity and pulled a gun from behind his back, aimed, and fired. Damon didn't see it until it was to late; the bullet hit him right between the eyes. The blow from the shot knocked him off his feet, slamming his head down on the concrete walkway.

The men ventured closer to Damon, though they were sure they had killed him or what ever he was, they just wanted to make completely sure of it and find out exactly what the had been dealing with. Cautiously they made their way closer until they where right over him. His head was shadowed by the night sky, and not thinking if what might happen next, the man who had shot him reached down to pull him out so they could see him better. Faster the you can blink Damon arm flashed up and grabbed the man by the neck, and tossed him 50 feet away into some garage in an ally like it was nothing. The others tried to run, but they weren't fast enough. Damon knocked them all out cold and then making his way over to the man he had thrown into the garage, who was now starting to get up, he grabbed him by the throat, holding him high over his head. Then the man watched in horror as the bullet he had shot in Damon's skull came out and fell to the ground.

What the hell are you!?!” the man asked with shock and fear in his voice.

A very deep voice that would put the fear of god into anyone, bellowed, “Your worst nightmare!” With that Damon threw him out into the street that was now being to fill up in the early morning. Cars collided causing a large road block. Damon ran down the nearest ally and disappeared into the shadows.

Damon jumped 30 feet up from the ground to a fire escape platform and then from there he climbed straight up the wall to the roof. Looking down at the collision in the road below, he then realized what he had just done. People could have been hurt, and some may actually have been. He looked at his hands, he was beginning to change back; his claws change to fingernails, and when he felt his forehead the hairline was going back to normal. This had never happened to him before, and it was seriously freaking him out.

Still taking in the shock of all that had just happened, he began to notice something, his eyesight once again was fading away. Suddenly he heard someone yell out from below, “There he is!” and though his sight had almost completely left him he could just make out a figure pointing right at him and next to it red and blue lights flashing. He was so scared and anxious, which began to raise his heart rate, so much though that he again began to transform. “No! No! Stop!” Damon yelled out, but he couldn't stop it. The pain was almost unbearable, and something was different this time then the last transformation. Though he didn't know it he had completely transformed and was now in the full form of a Luthien. Dropping down on all fours, he ran to the edge of the roof and leaped to the next, and then continued until coming to and intersection. The next roof was much farther away then all the previous had been, and the police were close behind on the ground. He backed up several steps back and then took off. The moment his front paws touched the roof edge, he brought his hind legs forward, then with all legs gripping the edge he launched himself high into the air. For a moment he thought he'd make it, but about a meter from the ledge he to drop through the air. He hit the side of the building just barely hanging on with his forepaws but then begun to slip. He couldn't hold any longer! He was falling; five stories he fell until finally hitting the ground on all four leg causing a crack in the asphalt. As he turned around he saw police arriving and getting out of their car with their guns pointed at him.

The police had no idea what he was, but some kind of new species of wolf. They first shot him in the leg with a tranquilizer, but it had no effect on him. They tried approaching him, but they began to surrounded him and they were getting to close and Damon felt cornered. He growled and acted as if he was going to attack. The police then began to fire. As normal when trying to kill or bring an animal down they aimed for the skull and the chest, but after penetrating the skin the bullets would then stop and then eventually fall out, and since the moon was still out he would heal. Then unexpectedly a stray bullet hit him in the fore leg and didn't stop but instead it went clean through the muscle and tissue. Damon yelped and fell forward. The police, noticing that a bullet in the leg injured him, started to shot his legs. Damon tried to run as fast as he could but kept catching bullets in the legs. The sun was rising and the moon was no longer visible, and so he was unable to heal anymore. He was tripping over himself; he couldn't take it anymore. He slumped to the asphalt and continued to lay there as police began to surround him with their guns pointed at his head.

After fading in and out of unconsciousness from the pain, he finally completely blacked out. The next thing he knew, he was waking up all alone locked inside a cage in a dark inclosed room. He had not changed back to his human form, but this had never happened to him before, so he was very confused and anxious, and the cage wasn't helping much. He knew he must get out of there. He tried getting in a position so he could break the cage door down, but there wasn't much moving space in the small cage. His frustration level was rising, and he took his paws and swiped at the bars. They bent back, and it was then Damon got an idea. He struck and pound on the bars until finally they broke leaving an opening just big enough for him to squeeze through. He rushed out not noticing the sharp edge jetting out from one of the broken bars. It tore deep into his shoulder, he let out a loud yelp. A man rushed into the room having heard the sound. Damon quickly knocked him down before the man had alerted anyone else. He stealthfully made his way out the door and pass several guards. Then seeing that there were guards near the door closest to him, he decided to observe his surroundings and assess his options. He saw a fire alarm switch, and pulled it, that sent all the officers in different direction. No one was near the door now, so Damon made his move. Out the door he went as fast as he could, and since all the officers were distracted by all the commotion he went unnoticed.

Once outside he was able to calm down a bit but when he did it brought his adrenalin level down and he realized how hurt he really was. His shoulder was throbbing and he had lost a lot of blood he slumped to the ground as everything became blurry. He saw a figure coming closer and he tried to get up but the figure place his hand on Damon's for head and though he didn't want to he relax and then it all went black.

The next thing he knows he can't see and there the sound of a pulse monitor next to him and know he's in an hospital. He sits up at a start, but hand is placed on his chest and and the soft voice of a nurse says, “Its okay, your safe. Just relax, everything will be fine.” Damon slowly layed back and tried to move his left arm but it was still very badly injured. He would have thought is had all been a dream but the pain in his his arm told him the whole bad dream had been real. From habit he tried using his radar vision and it worked he didn't understand why it would work now when it hadn't worked before the first time he had woke up in the hospital. He raised his head and looked out the window toward the hospital lobby; there was a man talking to several police officers and it was obvious they were talking about him. He asked the nurse who the man was and she said he was the man who had brought him in. He could quite see the man's face and his vision was getting dimmer. The man turn and Damon only get a glimpse of his face and then his sight went out completely. He faintly heard the voices of the both Randy and Mrs. Mitchell from across the lobby room then heard them being shown to his room by what seemed to be a doctor. When they came in they embraced him with relief and many questions. But the doctor interrupted with what he said was very important.

Damon's is stable, but he did receive several gun shots to the forearms and shoulders plus a deep cut into the left shoulder, but that's not the most important thing we found. During a check for internal injures, we became aware that Damon's cornea, the transparent frontal surface of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil, his been badly burned and has not healed right. We are unsure whether this occurred before or during the time the other injuries were received. And since Damon only just awoke we could not find out, but I'm sorry to tell you he most likely will never see again. I am very sorry.”

Damon was feeling a little light headed so he laid back and tried to get some sleep. As he drifted off to sleep, he began to think over all that had happened during the past few hours. He didn't understand way he had changed; he began to think back to he earliest memories of when he had lived in Australia. The earliest thing he could remember was that of a dream, a dream of him flying through space in some sort of craft and as he looked out a window he saw a man being hit over the head with a gun. This dream had been brought back to memory many a time, but he had reasoned that it was only a dream, but now after all that had just happened, he just didn't know anymore. He thought of all the things he had done in his small hometown in Australia. He had played in the village streets with the children his age. One day Damon had brought a circular object made of leather out for them all to use. The kids had never see anything like it. Damon told them, he had first seen it at a store about 50 miles in the big city, as everyone seemed to call it; he had gone with his father once just to see what the city was like. Of course neither of them had enough money to buy it, but Damon had decided to make one of the things they had, and he did. They had even invented their own version of soccer. When he would look back, he'd remember how blissful and without a care in the world those years were, and then everything had to be ruined that fateful day his village was attacked and his parents were killed, he could could almost heard the sound of the shot go off. No wait that wasn't a shot it was the sound of the church clock, he woke up at a start he had fallen asleep and it was now almost night. Sweat was dripping from his pours, he went to wipe his for head. Then checking the cut on his shoulder he saw it was healing. The full moon's glow shown in through the hospital window, it looked so awesome!

Although his identity had not been revealed, the existence of such a creature been to revealed to the whole world, but most of all his biggest secret had been revealed to Damon, himself, and now that he knew, would he use his power for good or evil, and would he ever find out where he was truly from? These were questions Damon would have to ask himself every new day. How would he answer them....?

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